For those visitors who stayed at Wyalkatchem Travellers Park and joined us for the Hi-Tea what a blast it was.
For those who couldn’t make it, this is what you missed.
There was a parade down the main st with Mr Damien Oliver arriving with this years Melbourne Cup on a horse and cart.
The local children had a horse race using hobby horses and prizes were given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
Mr Oliver, after the main st festivities ended, then arrived at the Wyalkatchem Town Hall in the horse and cart.

The Town Hall was turned into a high society cafe. The tables were covered with crisp black tablecloths with a gold sparkling table runners down the centre and the chairs were covered in a black cloth with gold bows tied around the back.
The Shire workers and Nikki Towel did an amazing job with the transformation.
The tables were groaning with three tiered platers filled with delightful tasty treats.
There were slices, cupcakes, savoury sandwiches, hot sausage rolls, quiches, scones with jam & cream, & macarons. Supplied by Yvette’s cake and grazing plates.

During the consumption of the wonderful food, we had several speeches from Wyalkatchem Shire President Mr Owen Garner, the wonderful Mr Damien Oliver and Jo O’Shaughnessy of the Victorian Racing Club.
Mr Garner spoke 1st asking several question to Mr Oliver. We were informed of Mr Oliver’s racing weight and what he needed to do to achieve this (diet and sauna). What Mr Oliver’s favourite horse was either ridden or not (Doriemus).
Jo spoke about the Melbourne Cup, which is made of 18 caret gold. It has three handles representing the owner, the trainer and the jockey. The cup is very light to hold and very soft.

Photo by Michelle Eaton
Mr Oliver then spoke, answering questions from the audience and informing the crowd of his Melbourne Cup winners. There was no question barred from asking. Mr Oliver was very humourious with his answers. It was a joy listening to him speaking.
After the question and answers were completed there were photo oportunities with Mr Oliver and the Melbourne Cup. Everyone who wanted a photo was given the oportunity, even to hold the Cup.

The event come to a close around 1.30pm.
Everyone who attended the event came away with stories to tell and life time memories.