
Patrons started to arrive at the Wyalkatchem Travellers Park on Friday 23rd August, to attend the annual event of the Wyalkatchem Rodeo.

The rain was the first to arrive, putting in an appearance early in the morning.

A slow light drizzle caused some amusement but it was nothing compared to the rain fall later in the day.

30 mms had fallen by mid-afternoon causing a few headaches.

There was a steady stream of vehicles arriving and soon the ground became very slippery.

Vehicles and caravans became bogged and had to stay that way until they could be extricated in the morning light.

Through out the deluge there were several local ladies who directed traffic to the right areas

The sodden trio bravely stood in the pouring rain, keeping paper work dry and managing a friendly smile to all patrons.

Patrons then came to the reception with their completed forms and were then directed to their correct sites by the gopher wheeling twins Don and Dennis Faulkner.

As the call went up “order up site 123”, the boys jostled into action.

It was quite a sight to see the poncho wearing Faulkner’s riding off in the rain with rain coats flying and gophers speeding and slipping on the wet grounds.

All patrons were settled into their allotted sites for the night.

The next morning, Saturday 24th, more patrons arrived and the sequence started again. By mid-morning all patrons were booked in and getting ready for the fun and excitement of the Rodeo.

At 8.30 am there was a mass exodus of people leaving the Wyalkatchem Travellers Park and walking the short distance to the main gates of the Rodeo.

The kids’ events were on first with lots of laughter from those watching. At 10am the parade started to announce the start of the main events. Everyone enjoyed these events

There were market stalls and food trucks galore for the patrons to enjoy.

Rotary put on breakfast of bacon and egg rolls for all who attended.

Around 5pm some of the patrons returned to their tents, caravans or buses to have a nanna nap before the music started at 8pm.

The Travellers Park had lit the large fire pit near the Kevin Jones camp kitchen. Soon there were people sitting around the fire listening to the wonderful music coming from the bands. There was a few who boot scooted their way around the fire.

By midnight, when the bands stopped playing, there was another exodus to the Travellers Park and soon most were asleep after a fun filled day.

Sunday after a slight sleep in, there was a steady line of people following the smell of fresh bacon and egg burgers being cooked by Rotary, after the stomachs were full, most of the patrons left for home. The exit from the Wyalkatchem Travellers Park was uneventful unlike the arrival.

A big thankyou to all our patrons for leaving “Clancy’s Oveflow” in a very clean and tidy state.

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