Whilst enjoying our usual Happy Hour at the Wyalkatchem Travellers Park, it was decided that the fire pit should be lit. So, with a unanimous yes vote, Wyalkatchem Travellers Park lit the first fire of the season. As the warmth from the fire washed over all in attendance a debate ensued re cooking over a camp fire. The debate raged…
Fridays seem to come around quickly these days. The Wyalkatchem Travellers Park had several guests staying recently and they were invited to join some of the local community for Devonshire Tea Friday. The Devonshire Teas are held at the local craft shop which used to be the Catholic school. The craft shop is decorated in the 50’s style, from the…
You meet the nicest people when you visit here. Check out the great video these two happy travellers from Alphabet Bus made and their comments about their stay with us; “We don’t usually stay in caravan parks, in fact this was our second stay in a CVP in 3 years and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Michelle and Brendan at Wyalkatchem…